Karma will hit back

She was walking on the road beside Ratnapark, holding someone's hand, smiling and guffawing. He might be her acquaintance or friend but I supposed he was probably her boyfriend. Although I never knew them but still something was there that drew me to notice them. I bent to Bhotahiti to buy some books but they continued straight. I didn't hope to see her again but the story was going to be different than I supposed to be.
   It had been a week I almost ceased to find someone I knew. I didn't utter a word for several days cause there were noone to talk to - except receiving some phone calls. Noone to talk, noone to smile at -it was just a monotonous time I have ever experienced. Millions people around, thousands of concrete jungles covered by, still lonely I was. My uncle resided little while away, sometime I used to go to see him.
It was saturday afternoon, I was waiting for a bus to my hometown at Kalanki Chowk to parcel some books to my sister. Next to me was standing the same girl, whom I had met beside Ratna Park. Standing speechless, she was moving her head towards overhead bridge repeatedly. Silent, we stood together, half an hour, without a word. I broke the ice, "Are you waiting for the bus?" "No, for somebody." She replied swiftly. "Relative?" I asked again. "Non of your business, anyway I'm waiting for my bf." I wrinkled my forehead and shook my head as if I got to know everything. After some minute a bus - DELUX SAFARI written in front - stopped by and the passengers descended. Among them was a dashing guy with black guggles, offered her a swift hug and they moved towards Balkhu holding each other's hand. I was sure it wasn't the same guy whom I met beside Ratnapark. "How many boyfriends do you have?" I wanted to ask but I didn't, as it wasn't matter of my concern.
Next day, I was having Momos with my uncle, near Panga Dobato. By the road, she must be going somewhere in her raddish scoter, but when she caught a glimpse on me - she stopped and weaved her hand to me as if she knew me from two hundred years. I smiled gently and added a formal request to join us - thinking she wouldn't - but she did. "Sahuji, send me a plate of momos, quick please!" she raised her voice, turning her head towards the person at counter. The waiter immediately received her order.
"We met at the station - right," she confirmed.
"Yes we did," I agreed. "What do you do to earn your living?" I further asked.
"Nothing, I need not anything to do. But see, I am trying to move to United States."
"Wow! cool," uncle made a complement on it. We had few more conversation about here and there. We had done of having snacks and were about to leave. "I will pay the bill," she fumbled behind us.
"We are not paying either," we laughed and left without turning to her.
At a hot night of june, after about three months of the momo incident, me and my uncle were using a hacked wifi as we got hard to sleep. Uncle mentioned her, "do you remember the girl at momo shop? She was attractive, wasn't she?"
"Yes, she is beautiful, but she is a golddigger - someday she will strike herself and will be hurt badly," I said.
"Shut up! Now she is going to be your aunt. I met her on facebook few days ago." I ended the conversation, "but never be serious in this relationship." Few days after I obliged to have my uncle's break up party. I knew that would obviously happen. Uncle said, "we were engaged physically too - I never believed she would leave me in this way - she always said, she couldn't live without me." I said - " Certainly not uncle, karma will hit her back." He kept speaking, I kept shaking my head - uttering "umm, umm" - the night passed by.
We often felt cold and always hungry. The food was inedible, mostly. We were tired of oily pilchards, a disgusting dish of tinned tomatoes and crumble, slivers of hard potatoes that resembled pieces of leather, scrambled egg made from powder, pink bacon with more fat than meat. It was like being given a punitive sentence that never seemed to end. We needed to change serial of our regular food but we were not in the condition of spending additional money on food. Then suddenly one of friend - who was residing in United States - informed us that he had returned to Nepal. We went to receive him and asked him the reason of his arrival. "It's a surprise," he said swiftly. We didn't have to complain about food till my friend stayed with us.
After a week, we were invited to Biratnagar - in the same friend's home- to have a party. But he didn't disclose for which occasion the party was. We left for Biratnagar, reserving a cab at high price - my friend was going to pay the lease. He received us in buspark and disclosed the cause, "I got married yesterday yar, it was urgent - I didn't get appropriate time to tell you. You guys are here for a grand party." "Really?" we squeezed our forehead and wished him "happy returns of conjugal life" in an astounded voice.
His house was so crowded - relatives were fumbling alongside - groups of girl, with colourful salawar suits were making a loud laugh on something, producing tinkling sound of churas. Some young ladies were decorating the hall by flowers. Music player along with large speaker was playing a Bihari song - that I didn't understand - probably noone was paying attention to it. We were extremely delighted of having this party. "I too would organize a grand party, if I would marry her," said uncle. "Don't worry uncle, see these girls, lets find another," I pointed some girls, just to provide him a consolation.
We got in line to put tika and provide gift to bride and groom before having food. The bride and groom were surrounded by crowd, so they were not appeared to us. When we got turn to put tika, the time stopped by as we realise the familiar face of bride. She was the same girl, the girl at Ratnapark, station, momo shop and my uncle's heart. My uncle's delighted face turned to rotten tomato but I kept smiling sarcastically.
Then we followed to the place of having food. Uncle ordered, "Can I have a big bottle of hard wine please?" I kept consoling him, "don't worry uncle karma will obviously hit her back."