Dr KC is a Liar

Dr Govinda KC is a liar. He keeps himself above so called law and government. He denies things which the rest of the Nepalese are accepting profanely since years, and objects the drafts by people's representatives. He invokes hunger strikes for what it seems impossible to be done through legal procedure. Recently, he has denied Supreme Court's order. Still, I, in fact we, support Dr KC for all his denials against the system, because lying for good reason is appropriate.
     Dr KC is a real liar. He has lied that, if whatever he has asked will be fulfilled, will solve the problem in health and educational sectors. No, I don't agree with him because replacing the laws and few corrupt persons may solve the problem for a while, but it's unsustainable as the whole system has turned corrupt. For instance, Supreme court has altered his former accomplished demand. Has he ever realised, what the root cause of all these problems has been? It's leadership. Shouldn't he create awareness during elections to choose better leaders among people? Though he is a liar, we heartily welcome his demands, as he is doing all this for public welfare. At least he is initiating for change and people are accompanying him.
     Dr KC is unkown about the thing that, now these leaders will seek one or another reason to abolish him not the chaos. He should realise, omitting current chief justice Gopal Parajuli from his post will not do any good. He is just like a grand pawn operated through those political leaders. Whoever will replace him, will reveal the same attitude toward us. This is the proper time for revolution, but not against the pawns, against them who are operating those pawns.
     Dr Kc has become the common leader for those Nepalese who wish to alter the old existed corrupt system, which several elections have been unable to do.
       We support you, Dr KC, till we wouldn't achieve our destiny. Gather more strength within your weak torso to fight against them. Let's unite to fight against the whole system. Let's hope, we will succeed to change the leadership, if these leaders won't change their attitude. So lie more Dr, lying for good reason is appropriate. Either lay, or lie.